
Game Theory has famously revolutionized sciences, and in particular Economics. While it originated in Mathematics, Operations Research and Economics, Game Theory now actually spans all academic disciplines that study strategic interactions. Outside Economics, this includes Political Science (e.g. voting, conflict, negotiation), Sociology (e.g. norms), Biology (e.g. evolution), Computer Science (e.g. artificial intelligence, distributed control), Finance (e.g. behavioural finance), etc.

The purpose of this conference is to celebrate Peyton Young, one of the pioneers in Game Theory for almost half a century. We aim to bring together the very elite of the past and current researchers in this field as well as young aspiring academics including Peyton Young’s students and collaborators.

Please note this is a closed event for invited attendees only.

Conference organisers:

Department of Economics
Oxford-Man Institute
Institute for New Economic Thinking, at the Oxford Martin School
Magdalen College
Nuffield College