
INET CORE project workshop at HM Treasury

Teaching economics as if the last three decades had happened

As part of the start-up phase of the project, the CORE project group in collaboration with Azim Premji University in Bangalore produced three pilots of on-line course material. You are welcome to look at the material. Please note that not all the interactive links are working and the pilots have not been through the review process. If you have trouble viewing the videos, right click and you should be able to download and view.

The pilots are available here:

Username: coreeconomics

Password: bangalore




Dave Ramsden / Andrew Gurney HMT


Anatole Kaletsky (Chair, INET Governing Board)

Introduction to INET

Wendy Carlin (UCL)

The CORE project & the aim of the meeting

Camila Cea

(University of Chile)

Being an economics student in a changing world

What do we know now that should be in the undergraduate curriculum?



Chair: Diane Coyle (Enlightenment)

Tim Harford

(Financial Times)

Economics lessons from the Fryscraper

Bob Allen

(University of Oxford)

Teaching the long shadow of history

Juliet Schor

(Boston College)

Consumption and planetary boundaries

General discussion


Coffee break



Chair: Hugh Pym (BBC)

John Cassidy

(The New Yorker)

The three H's: History, Hubris, and Humility

Martin Wolf

(Financial Times)

Money, credit and banking in the economy

Andy Haldane

(Bank of England)

Inductive economics

General discussion

How is the CORE project responding to these challenges?


Core Project

Chair: Richard Davies (The Economist)

Wendy Carlin (UCL)

Daniel Hojman (Kennedy School & University of Chile)

Rajiv Sethi (Barnard College, Columbia University)

Oscar Landerretche (University of Chile)

Andrei Bremzen (New Economic School Moscow)

Arjun Jayadev (Azim Premji University Bangalore)

Sam Bowles (Santa Fe Institute)

General discussion & wrap-up