This seminar series is organised by INET Oxford. The seminars are informal talks designed to showcase our research, to foster collaboration between INET Oxford and the wider University community.
All Forthcoming Events
International Climate Policy Briefing: Where Are We and What Next After COP29?
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesManal Shehabi
Hybrid Event
INET Oxford Seminar | Hilary Term 2025 | Week 7 | title to be announced
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesDennis Snower (President and Founder of the Global Solutions Initiative)
Hybrid Event
INET Oxford Seminar | Hilary Term 2025 | Week 8 | title to be announced
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesAlissa Klennijenhuis (Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance, Cornell University
Hybrid Event
Recent Events
New models for South Africa: insights for financial stability and monetary transmission
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesProf. John Muellbauer & Janine Aron
Hybrid Event
Raining on Bonds: The Financing Costs of Extreme Rain on Urban Investment Bonds
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesYangsiyu Lu
Online Event@14:00
Taxation to cut the sodium consumption in processed food: intended and unintended consequences
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesJeremy Large
Hybrid Event
Sorting or Exiting? Gendered Divergences in Career Paths of Computer Science Graduates in the U.S. and India
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesYuqi Liang
Online Event
The Separate Lives of Social and Economic Prosperity: Concepts and Evidence from the G20
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesDennis Snower
Hybrid Event
How to make a new Keynesian DSGE model that is fit for purpose: a constructive response to the criticisms of Joe Stiglitz
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesProf. David Vines
Hybrid Event
Forecasting UK Inflation during 2021-24
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesSir David Hendry (with Jennifer L. Castle and Jurgen A. Doornik)
Online Event
The role of private pension and inheritance in the gender wealth gap in Britain - Juan C. Palomino (Department of Economic Analysis (Faculty of Economics), Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesINET Researcher Seminar (hybrid event)
Hybrid Event
Income decline and the political backlash against advanced welfare states
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesINET Researcher Seminar (online event)
Online Event@14:00
"Recoupling: The Driver of Human Success" - Dennis Snower (INET Oxford Associate)
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesINET Researcher Seminar (HYBRID event)
Hybrid Event
"Attenuation and reinforcement mechanisms of income and health inequalities" - Prof Matteo Richiardi (University of Essex)
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesINET Researcher Seminar (HYBRID event)
Hybrid Event
"Empowering Digital Citizens" - Prof Dennis Snower (Global Solutions Initiative)
INET Oxford Seminar SeriesINET Researcher Seminar (HYBRID event)
Hybrid Event