
The Journal of Economic Methodology (JEM) will be publishing a special symposium on reflexivity in its spring 2014 issue featuring a new essay by Mr. Soros and articles and responses from a distinguished group of scholars. The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for Mr. Soros and a number of the JEM authors to present their thinking on reflexivity, engage in discussion and debate, and develop ideas for further research. The complete package of JEM articles will be circulated to the workshop participants ahead of the meeting.


The workshop will be fairly small to enable it to be as discussion-oriented as possible. Confirmed participants thus far include:

  • Mr. George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management

  • Prof. Katalin Farkas, Professor of Philosophy, Provost and Academic Pro-

    Rector, Central European University

  • Mr. Eric Beinhocker, Executive Director, Institute for New Economic

    Thinking at the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, and Visiting

    Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Central European University

  • Prof. D. Wade Hands, Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of

    Puget Sound, co-editor of the Journal of Economic Methodology

  • Prof. John Davis, Professor of Economics Marquette University, Chair of

    History and Philosophy of Economics, University of Amsterdam, and co-

    editor of the Journal of Economic Methodology

  • Mr. Richard Bronk, Visiting Fellow, European Political Economy, London

    School of Economics and Political Science

  • Prof. Michael D. Goldberg, Todd H. Crockett Professor of Economics,

    University of New Hampshire

  • Prof. Alex Rosenberg, R Taylor Cole Professor of Philosophy, Duke


  • Prof. Dennis J. Snower, Professor of Economics and Chair of Economic

    Theory, University of Kiel, and President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Eric Beinhocker will introduce the day and outline the workshop goals. Mr. Soros will then present his JEM essay followed by a general discussion. The rest of the day will be composed of three sessions each led by two commentators. Each commentator will have 15 min. to present a summary of his or her paper and reactions to the other papers in the symposium, followed by 30 min. of discussion. Wade Hands, co-editor of JEM, will then lead the wrap-up session and discuss potential directions for future research.