INET Oxford Senior Associate Fellow, Steven Fries, has recently published a new article in Prospect Magazine tackling the essential question of how to accelerate the energy transition toward meeting the 1.5°C goal.

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There is a vast gap between the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, and the actual climate plans, policies and investments that governments and societies have so far committed to in order to do so. Narrowing that gap is the great imperative of our time. The 1.5°C goal requires the world to reach net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases by around 2050—an extremely challenging timescale, but an essential one if the most dangerous impacts of climate change are to be averted. The really contentious debates are no longer over whether fundamental change is necessary or possible, but how to do it at sufficient pace. Steven Fries

Click here to read the article in full:

Steven Fries is an economist specialising in energy at INET-Oxford and the Peterson Institute for International Economics. He was chief economist at Shell and the Department of Energy and Climate Change

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