'Refugees who end up in unsuitable communities are more likely to be unemployed and their children are more likely to perform badly at school. When refugee placements fail due to misallocation, the long-term burden on society is much greater than if refugees are smoothly integrated. The solution to these frequent mismatches is a comprehensive, algorithm-based matching system. In the past half-century, matching systems have been used to match medical residents to hospitals,connect kidney donors with dialysis patients, and assign military cadets to branches of service. In our work with the University of Melbourne's David Delacrétaz and Will Jones from Royal Holloway, we have identified how refugee–community matching systems might improve refugee outcomes by building on the systems many citiesworldwide use to assign children to schools'.

To read this Bloomberg article from INET Oxford's Alex Teytelboym and former Visiting Fellow Scott Kominers in full, please click here.

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