
Aymeric Vié is a DPhil student in the Mathematics of Random Systems CDT at the University of Oxford. He is supervised by Doyne Farmer and Rama Cont, and is funded by Fidelity. His research focuses on market ecology and trading strategy optimisation using evolutionary algorithms.

Before starting his DPhil Aymeric obtained a Bachelor of Law from Paris-Sorbonne University, and a Political Sciences Master's from Sciences Po. He graduated with a Master's in Economics from the Paris School of Economics, and was a research fellow at the New England Complex Systems Institute. With core interests in the simulation and forecasting of complex systems, notably economic and financial systems, Aymeric has worked on the impact of network topology over systemic risk, the impact of hyperconnectivity in current societies, building agent-based models to model economic and financial dynamics and ecological social dilemma, using evolutionary algorithms to propose new solution concepts in game theory, and using multi-criteria mathematical modelling to forecast sustainability trajectories of European Union countries.

Recent Publications

Feb 2023
Insights into the accuracy of social scientists’ forecasts of societal change
in Nature Human Behaviour
The Forecasting Collaborative ,  Aymeric Vié
Oct 2022
Towards Evology: a Market Ecology Agent-Based Model of US Equity Mutual Funds
Aymeric Vié ,  Maarten Scholl ,  Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis ,  J. Doyne Farmer
Jul 2022
Feb 2022
Sept 2021
Working Paper
Qualities, challenges and future of genetic algorithms: a literature review
Aymeric Vié ,  Alissa M. Kleinnijenhuis ,  J. Doyne Farmer
Jul 2021
Jul 2021
Population network structure impacts genetic algorithm optimisation performance
in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (GECCO '21)
Aymeric Vié
Jul 2020

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13 Jun 24

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