

  • Why is it important to examine excess mortality data?
  • How is excess mortality measured? Who measures it?
  • Key issues for comparing rates of excess mortality across/within nations.
  • Considering the comparability of statistical measures of excess mortality.
  • Why the age distribution matters.
  • What can we learn comparing P-scores from the European ‘all ages’ data?
  • Excess mortality for other European age groups: ‘15-64’ and ‘85+’.
  • Data and models
  • Our own work in this area:

    A pandemic primer on excess mortality statistics and their comparability across countries - Our World in Data blog post

    A pdf version is available here.


Aron, J. & Muellbauer, J. (2020). 'Excess mortality statistics in the pandemic and country comparisons'. Presentation for Federal Reserve Bank Dallas, 28 July 2020.
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