132 results: page 5 of 5
Jan 2005
Clashing strategic cultures and climate policy
Cameron Hepburn , Megan Ceronsky , Michael Obersteiner , Yoshiki Yamagata
Cameron Hepburn , Megan Ceronsky , Michael Obersteiner , Yoshiki Yamagata
Jan 2004
Time-inconsistent environmental policy and optimal delegation
Cameron Hepburn , Dieter Helm , Richard Mash
Cameron Hepburn , Dieter Helm , Richard Mash
Sept 2003
Jun 2003
Valuing the future: recent advances in social discounting
Cameron Hepburn , Phoebe Koundouri , Ben Groom , David Pearce
Cameron Hepburn , Phoebe Koundouri , Ben Groom , David Pearce