
Register for this Event

The Oxford Summer School in Economic Networks seeks to create a stimulating and friendly environment to bring students from varied disciplines together to learn about theories, techniques, quantitative methods, applications and impacts of network theory within economics.

We are excited to host world leading academics, scientists, and global policy makers to guide lectures, engage with students and host workshops on topics relating to network theory and economics. These will include topics of social networks, games and learning, financial networks, economic complexity, urban systems and innovation.

We are looking forward to welcoming a large number of world leading experts pushing the global knowledge frontier across economic networks and complexity science. Confirmed speakers for 2023 include keynote Cesar Hidalgo (University of Toulouse), Renaud Lambiotte (University of Oxford), Josh Becker (University College London), Mohsen Mosleh (University of Exeter), Balázs Lengyel (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Riccardo Di Clemente (University of Exeter), Rama Cont (University of Oxford), Andrea Baronchelli (City University of London) and Tiziana di Matteo (King's College London). More speakers will be announced soon.

The Oxford Summer School in Economic Networks is hosted by the Mathematical Institute and the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School.

The school is in person only. No lectures will be streamed. Lectures and tutorials will be held in the Department of Statistics (24-29 St Giles', Oxford OX1 3LB) and the Oxford Martin School (34 Broad St, Oxford OX1 3BD).

2023 Dates

28th February: Application portal closes

1st April: Admission notifications

15th April: Fee due

26th - 30th June: Summer school in session


The school is targeted towards postgraduate students (Masters/PhD) from Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Social Sciences, Geography, Development and Public Policy; students from other disciplines and interested early career professionals are also invited to apply.

We will admit a small number of outstanding undergraduate students.

You will need some quantitative/computational background including familiarity with university level linear algebra and dynamical systems, and some coding experience.

Existing experience with network analysis is an advantage but not required.


In order to apply, you will need to submit a 1 page CV and a short motivation letter to attend the summer school.

The application form can be found here. The deadline for submission is February 28th 2023.


The fee for the school, which includes tuition and social events only, will be £350. The fee will be payable within 2 weeks of acceptance (see dates above). The fee is strictly non-refundable as we have fixed costs to pay.

Social events typically include a welcome drinks reception, dinner in a historical college, a walking tour of Oxford and punting (rowing) on the river in small groups. Travel and accommodation is not include in the fee, and is organised by students themselves. Meals (except for the college dinner) are also not included, but there are plentiful affordable options in the vicinity of the school.

Organising Committee

The organising team is based across the Mathematical Institute (MI), the Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London (UCL), the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), the Oxford Martin School (OMS), Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance (Oxford-Man) and the Department of Engineering Science (EngSci) across the University of Oxford.

Neave O'Clery (Chair, UCL, MI, OMS), Xiaowen Dong (Co-Chair, Oxford-Man, EngSci), Mattie Landman (MI), Joris Bücker (INET), Luca Mungo (MI, INET), Valentina Semenova (MI, INET), Andrew Renninger (UCL) and Sukankana Chakraborty (Southampton).


For more information, contact us at

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