Project Leader / Primary Investigator

J. Doyne Farmer

This project investigates complex system approaches for modelling the economy. Our models are based on fine-grained data sets at the level of firms, products and industries, with the goal of providing a detailed understanding of the rich and heterogeneous behaviour underlying business cycles, inflation and interest rates, innovation, and long-run growth.

The importance of empirically supported microfoundations is well acknowledged in modern macroeconomics, but traditional models struggle to go beyond perfect rationality, or to incorporate more than one form of bounded rationality. Our goal is to develop approaches such as agent-based modelling, because they are capable of incorporating an ecosystem of behavioural models and make it possible to characterise the resulting non-equilibrium dynamics.

We developed a theory for the amplification of technological improvement by the production network structure of the economy. The idea is that improvements are passed down the chain formed by industries and accumulate multiplicatively. Using a simple model for technological improvement, we show how to compute the overall improvement factor for the general case where the production network has a complicated structure containing cycles. This improvement factor is related to the output multiplier. This leads to testable predictions of about GDP growth. When added to other standard explanatory variables, we find the output multiplier remains a robust and statistically significant contributor. We studied the evolution of the length of the production network along the development path and we identified that it provides a comprehensive framework to study the acceleration and deceleration of economic growth, and is useful in forecasting growth.

The project covers several areas:

  • Structure and dynamics of the global production and credit network
  • Understanding the economic effects of Covid-related lockdown.
  • Heterogeneous dynamics of inflation at a fine-grained level
  • How ecological properties of economic production networks amplify growth

Structure and dynamics of the global production and credit network

We are developing models of the global production and credit networks. This involves developing methods to reconstruct missing data and agent-based modelling of supply chain and trade credit.

Understanding the economic effects of Covid-related lockdown

During the first wave of Covid-19, we developed methods and models to understand the economic effects of lockdown, by evaluating the shocks at the industry and occupation level and by evaluating the effects of these shocks in a non-equilibrium network model of the economy.

Heterogeneous dynamics of inflation at a fine-grained level

Inflation rates at the product level are highly heterogeneous and highly persistent. We are developing methods to characterise groups of products or services that have similar patterns of price changes.


Rebuilding Macroeconomics prize awarded for Propagation of supply and demand shocks in a dynamic input-output models

Funders include:

Baillie Gifford, IARPA

Recent Publications

Jan 2025
INET Working Paper
2025-04 - Combined climate stress testing of supply-chain networks and the financial system with nation-wide firm-level emission estimates
Zlata Tabachová ,  Christian Diem ,  Johannes Stangl ,  András Borsos ,  Stefan Thurner
Dec 2024
The impact of prudential regulation on the UK housing market and economy: Insights from an agent-based model
in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Marco Bardoscia ,  Adrián Carro ,  Marc Hinterschweiger ,  Mauro Napoletano ,  Lilit Popoyan ,  Andrea Roventini ,  Arzu Uluc
Nov 2024
Supply network stress-testing of food security on the establishment-level
in International Journal of Production Research
Christian Diem ,  William Schueller ,  Melanie Gerschberger ,  Johannes Stangl ,  Beate Conrady ,  Markus Gerschberger ,  Stefan Thurner
Aug 2024
Inferring firm-level supply chain networks with realistic systemic risk from industry sector-level data
Massimiliano Fessina ,  Giulio Cimini ,  Tiziano Squartini ,  Pablo Astudillo-Estévez ,  Stefan Thurner ,  Diego Garlaschelli
Jun 2024
Measuring productivity dispersion: a parametric approach using the Lévy alpha-stable distribution
in Industrial and Corporate Change
Jangho Yang ,  Torsten Heinrich ,  Julian Winkler ,  François Lafond ,  Pantelis Koutroumpis ,  J. Doyne Farmer
Apr 2024
Inequality in economic shock exposures across the global firm-level supply network
in Nature Communications
Abhijit Chakraborty ,  Tobias Reisch ,  Christian Diem ,  Pablo Astudillo-Estévez ,  Stefan Thurner
Mar 2024
Why Is Productivity Slowing Down?
in Journal of Economic Literature
Ian Goldin ,  Pantelis Koutroumpis ,  François Lafond ,  Julian Winkler
Oct 2023
Building an alliance to map global supply networks
in Science
Anton Pichler ,  Christian Diem ,  Alexandra Brintrup ,  François Lafond ,  Glenn Magerman ,  Gert Buiten ,  Thomas Choi ,  Vasco M. Carvalho ,  J. Doyne Farmer ,  Stefan Thurner
Sept 2023
Is it time to reboot welfare economics? Overview
Diane Coyle ,  Mark Fabian ,  Eric Beinhocker ,  Tim Besley ,  Margaret Stevens
Jul 2023
INET Working Paper
May 2023
INET Working Paper
No. 2023-08 - Firm-level production networks: what do we (really) know?
Andrea Bacilieri ,  András Borsos ,  Pablo Astudillo-Estévez ,  François Lafond
Feb 2023
Reconstructing production networks using machine learning
in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Luca Mungo ,  François Lafond ,  Pablo Astudillo-Estévez ,  J. Doyne Farmer
Dec 2022
The unequal effects of the health-economy tradeoff during the COVID-19 pandemic
Marco Pangallo ,  Alberto Aleta ,  R. Maria Del Rio Chanona ,  Anton Pichler ,  David Martin-Corral ,  Matteo Chinazzi ,  François Lafond ,  Marco Ajelli ,  Esteban Moro ,  Yamir Moreno ,  Alessandro Vespignani ,  J. Doyne Farmer
Sept 2022
Forecasting the propagation of pandemic shocks with a dynamic input-output model
in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Anton Pichler ,  Marco Pangallo ,  R. Maria del Rio-Chanona ,  François Lafond ,  J. Doyne Farmer
Jan 2022
How production networks amplify economic growth
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
James McNerney ,  Charles Savoie ,  Francesco Caravelli ,  Vasco M. Carvalho ,  J. Doyne Farmer
Jul 2021
Emergent inequality and business cycles in a simple behavioral macroeconomic model
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Yuki Asano ,  Jakob J. Kolb ,  Jobst Heitzig ,  J. Doyne Farmer
Jun 2020
Production networks and epidemic spreading: Re-opening the UK economy
Anton Pichler ,  Marco Pangallo ,  R. Maria del Rio-Chanona ,  François Lafond ,  J. Doyne Farmer
May 2020
INET Working Paper
No. 2020-12 - Production networks and epidemic spreading: How to restart the UK economy?
Anton Pichler ,  Marco Pangallo ,  R. Maria del Rio-Chanona ,  François Lafond ,  J. Doyne Farmer
Apr 2020
Supply and demand shocks in the COVID-19 pandemic: An industry and occupation perspective
in COVID Economics, CEPR Press
Anton Pichler ,  François Lafond ,  J. Doyne Farmer ,  R. Maria del Rio-Chanona ,  Penny Mealy
Mar 2020
INET Working Paper
No.2020-04 - Technological interdependencies predict innovation dynamics
Anton Pichler ,  François Lafond ,  J. Doyne Farmer
Mar 2019
Interpreting economic complexity
in Science Advances
Penny Mealy ,  J. Doyne Farmer ,  Alexander Teytelboym
Feb 2018
INET Working Paper
No. 2018-04 - A New Interpretation of the Economic Complexity Index
J. Doyne Farmer ,  Alexander Teytelboym ,  Penny Mealy