David Weisstanner is an assistant professor at the Department of Health Sciences and Medicine at the University of Lucerne. Previously, he was an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science at Aarhus University. Between 2018 and 2021, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Department for Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford. He has also been an associate member at Nuffield College and the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the University of Oxford since 2018. He obtained his PhD at the University of Bern in 2018.
David’s research focuses on topics related to comparative social policy in advanced democracies. Specifically, he is interested in the political determinants and consequences of socio-economic inequality, health inequality, social policy preferences, and electoral behaviour. He teaches courses on health and social policy, health inequality, and Swiss health policy.
Recent Publications
in European Journal of Political Research
David Weisstanner , Carsten Jensen
Klaus Armingeon , David Weisstanner
in West European Politics
Brian Nolan , David Weisstanner
in European Journal of Political Research
David Weisstanner
in Policy and Society
David Weisstanner
in Journal of European Social Policy
David Weisstanner , Klaus Armingeon
in Comparative Sociology
Tim Goedemé , Marii Paskov , David Weisstanner , Brian Nolan
in European Sociological Review
Marii Paskov , David Weisstanner
in Social Indicators Research
Tim Goedemé , Brian Nolan , Marii Paskov , David Weisstanner
in Political Studies
Klaus Armingeon , David Weisstanner
in Journal of Social Policy
David Weisstanner
in Political Research Exchange
Clau Dermont , David Weisstanner
in Journal of European Public Policy
David Weisstanner , Sarah Engler
Recent Events
Income decline and the political backlash against advanced welfare states
INET Oxford Researcher Seminar SeriesINET Researcher Seminar (online event)
Online Event@15:00
'Rising inequality and the divergence between objective economic circumstances and subjective status perceptions over time' - David Weisstanner (Employment, Equity & Growth)
INET Researcher Seminar
Online Event@15:00
"The political consequences of (non-)inclusive growth: Income growth dynamics and redistribution preferences" - David Weisstanner (EEG)
INET Oxford Researcher Seminar SeriesINET Researcher Seminar
In Person Event@15:00
INET Researcher Seminar: David Weisstanner, Employment, Equity & Growth - "Income inequality and the politics of economic resentment"
INET Oxford Researcher Seminar SeriesIn Person Event