
Su Jung is a Lecturer at the Sheffield University Management School and an Associate Fellow at the INET Oxford. Her research focuses on innovation and intellectual property management, with a particular interest in the context of open innovation, industrial dynamics of AI, and climate change. She is also broadly interested in developing frameworks and measures to support decision-making in relation to innovation management and policy, leveraging various analytics approaches including patent analytics, bibliometrics, and agent-based simulation. She received her BS and PhD degrees in Industrial Engineering (with a specialisation in Technology Management and Analytics) from Yonsei University, South Korea. She was an Assistant Professor at the University of Bradford School of Management (2022-23), a Visiting Fellow at the INET Oxford (2021) (funded as an Overseas Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the National Research Foundation of Korea), and a visiting PhD student at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex (2018).

Recent Publications

Sept 2024
INET Working Paper
Jul 2024
Aug 2022
Knowledge for a warmer world: A patent analysis of climate change adaptation technologies
in Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Kerstin Hötte ,  Su Jung Jee

Programme Teams