
Tim Goedemé is Senior Fellow of the Herman Deleeck Centre for Social Policy (University of Antwerp), where he directs research on poverty and social protection. Previously, he was Senior Research Officer working on INET’s Employment, Equity and Growth Programme. He is a sociologist by training, with a doctorate from the University of Antwerp (2012). His main research interests include poverty, inequality and social policy, and, more recently, the distributive effects of environmental policies. Current research focuses on the measurement of poverty, the non-take-up of social benefits and the identification of eco-social policies that jointly reduce inequality and have beneficial environmental effects. He has a strong methodological background, and is expert member of the network for the analysis of the EU Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and the European Social Survey’s Sampling and Weighting Expert Panel. In addition, he was country team leader of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirment in Europe for Flanders - Belgium (2016-2018). His most recent book (published by Oxford University Press) is ‘Decent incomes for all. Improving policies in Europe’, co-edited with Bea Cantillon and John Hills.

Overview of research projects at the University of Antwerp:


Recent Publications

Jan 2022
Improving Take-Up by Reaching Out to Potential Beneficiaries. Insights from a Large-Scale Field Experiment in Belgium
in Journal of Social Policy
Raf van Gestel ,  Tim Goedemé ,  Julie Janssens ,  Eva Lefevere ,  Rik Lemkens
Dec 2021
Between-Class Earnings Inequality in 30 European Countries
in Comparative Sociology
Tim Goedemé ,  Marii Paskov ,  David Weisstanner ,  Brian Nolan
Jul 2021
Occupational Social Class and Earnings Inequality in Europe: A Comparative Assessment
in Social Indicators Research
Tim Goedemé ,  Brian Nolan ,  Marii Paskov ,  David Weisstanner
Apr 2021
The association between the carbon footprint and the socio-economic characteristics of Belgian households
in Ecological Economics
Tim Goedemé ,  Petra Zsuzsa Lévay ,  Josefine Vanhille ,  Gerlinde Verbist
Nov 2020
INET Working Paper
No. 2020-26 - A new poverty indicator for Europe: the extended headcount ratio
Tim Goedemé ,  Benoit Decerf ,  Karel Van den Bosch
Jan 2020
INET Working Paper
No. 2020-03 - Social class and earnings: a cross-national study
Tim Goedemé ,  Marii Paskov ,  David Weisstanner ,  Brian Nolan