Vanessa Berenguer-Rico's research focuses on the econometric modelling and statistical treatment of non-linear long run relationships that involve persistent processes --such as those observed in macroeconomic data. The standard theory to deal with persistence in a linear context --Co-integration theory-- is not properly designed to deal with non-linearities. Her current research develops Co-summability theory that generalizes co-integration to non-linear worlds. Among other potential macroeconometric studies, she has applied Co-summability theory to analyze the hypothesis of asymmetric preferences of central bankers, the environmental Kuznets curve, and the effect of a changing level of impatience of investors on asset pricing. Other areas of research are sustainability of fiscal deficits and debts or long run relationships in panel data models.
Recent Publications
Vanessa Berenguer-Rico , Bent Nielsen
Vanessa Berenguer-Rico , Jesus Gonzalo
Vanessa Berenguer-Rico , Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre