Project Leader / Primary Investigator

Brian Nolan

This project, supported by the Nuffield Foundation, investigated the direct transmission of wealth across generations in rich countries and the role of institutions, policy and legislation in the intergenerational transmission of wealth. While a good deal is known about inter-generational mobility in income, social class and education, there remain serious gaps in knowledge about the role of wealth in the transmission of socio-economic advantages and disadvantages from one generation. The project provided a new quantitative picture of who benefits from direct transmission of wealth across generations in Great Britain and how this compares with other rich countries. It evaluated the data currently available to study wealth transfers in Britain and how these can be improved and produced a dedicated dataset from the Wealth and Assets Survey suited for this purpose.

A key finding from analysis of this and corresponding data for a number of other rich countries is that while the division of estates on death is generally wealth-equalising, large inheritances are dis-equalising. This finding, and the methods developed for identifying the level above which such transfers serve to increase wealth concentration, has important implications for how the UK’s system of taxation on capital transfers, and such taxes more generally, might best be reformed. The research was carried out by Professor Brian Nolan, Professor Erzsébet Bukodi, and Dr. Juan C. Palomino, together with Professor Salvatore Morelli (CUNY) and Professor Philippe Van Kerm (University of Luxembourg).

Recent Publications

Apr 2022
Intergenerational wealth transfers in Great Britain from the Wealth and Assets Survey in comparative perspective
in Fiscal Studies
Brian Nolan ,  Juan C. Palomino ,  Philippe van Kerm ,  Salvatore Morelli
Feb 2022
Intergenerational transfers and wealth inequality
Juan G. Rodríguez ,  Brian Nolan ,  Juan C. Palomino ,  Gustavo A. Marrero
Dec 2021
Inheritance, gifts and the accumulation of wealth for low-income households
in Journal of European Social Policy
Salvatore Morelli ,  Brian Nolan ,  Juan C. Palomino ,  Philippe van Kerm
Dec 2021
Special Issue: Journal of European Social Policy - 'Wealth and Social Policy'
in Journal of European Social Policy
Ive Marx ,  Brian Nolan
Nov 2021
Oct 2021
Wealth inequality, intergenerational transfers, and family background
in Oxford Economic Papers
Juan C. Palomino ,  Gustavo A. Marrero ,  Brian Nolan ,  Juan G. Rodríguez
Jan 2021
Intergenerational wealth transfers and wealth inequality in rich countries: What do we learn from Gini decomposition?
in Economics Letters
Brian Nolan ,  Juan C. Palomino ,  Philippe van Kerm ,  Salvatore Morelli
Sept 2020
The intergenerational transmission of wealth in rich countries
Brian Nolan ,  Juan C. Palomino ,  Philippe van Kerm ,  Salvatore Morelli
Aug 2020
Aug 2020
The Wealth of Families: The Intergenerational Transmission of Wealth in Britain in Comparative Perspective
Brian Nolan ,  Juan C. Palomino ,  Philippe van Kerm ,  Salvatore Morelli