
Filtered Results: 10 found

Jun 2024
Assessing income redistribution: what are the key analytic choices?
in Fiscal Studies
Rafael Carranza, Brian Nolan
Feb 2024
What makes elites more or less egalitarian? Variations in attitudes towards inequality within the economic, political and cultural elites in Chile
in Socio-Economic Review
Rafael Carranza, Dante Contreras, Gabriel Otero
Dec 2023
INET Working Paper
No. 2023-22 - Intergenerational Poverty Persistence in Europe: Is There a ‘Great Gatsby Curve’ for Poverty?
Michele Bavaro, Rafael Carranza, Brian Nolan
Jun 2023
Working Paper
Wealth inequality in Latin America
Rafael Carranza, Mauricio De Rosa, Ignacio Flores
Jan 2023
How Much of Intergenerational Immobility Can be Attributed to Differences in Childhood Circumstances?
in Research on Economic Inequality
Rafael Carranza
Oct 2022
Upper and Lower Bound Estimates of Inequality of Opportunity: A Cross-National Comparison for Europe
in The Review of Income and Wealth
Rafael Carranza
Aug 2022
Unemployment Insurance in Transition and Developing Countries: Moral Hazard vs. Liquidity Constraints in Chile
in Journal of Development Studies
Kirsten Sehnbruch, Rafael Carranza, Dante Contreras
Jun 2022
Top Income Adjustments and Inequality: An Investigation of the EU-SILC
in The Review of Income and Wealth
Rafael Carranza, Marc Morgan, Brian Nolan
Jun 2021
INET Working Paper
No. 2021-16 - Top Income Adjustments and Inequality: An Investigation of the EU-SILC
Rafael Carranza, Brian Nolan, Marc Morgan
May 2021
Spatial divisions of poverty and wealth: Does segregation affect educational achievement?
in Socio-Economic Review
Gabriel Otero, Rafael Carranza, Dante Contreras