
Filtered Results: 149 found

Jun 2024
A cycle or a tunnel? A study on unemployment and low-pay dynamics in Italy
in Labour Economics
Michele Bavaro, Federico Tullio
Jun 2024
Assessing income redistribution: what are the key analytic choices?
in Fiscal Studies
Rafael Carranza, Brian Nolan
May 2024
Beggaring Thy Co-Worker: Labor Market Dualization and the Wage Growth Slowdown in Europe
Lukas Lehner, Paul Ramskogler, Aleksandra Riedl
Mar 2024
Is working enough to escape poverty? Evidence on low-paid workers in Italy
in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
Michele Bavaro, Michele Raitano
Feb 2024
What makes elites more or less egalitarian? Variations in attitudes towards inequality within the economic, political and cultural elites in Chile
in Socio-Economic Review
Rafael Carranza, Dante Contreras, Gabriel Otero
Jan 2024
INET Working Paper
No. 2024-01 - Simulating Long-Run Wealth Distribution and Transmission: The Role of Intergenerational Transfers
Michele Bavaro, Stefano Boscolo, Simone Tedeschi
Dec 2023
INET Working Paper
No. 2023-29 - Changing Household Structures, Household Employment, and Poverty Trends in Rich Countries
Leo Azzollini, Richard Breen, Brian Nolan
Dec 2023
INET Working Paper
No. 2023-22 - Intergenerational Poverty Persistence in Europe: Is There a ‘Great Gatsby Curve’ for Poverty?
Michele Bavaro, Rafael Carranza, Brian Nolan
Dec 2023
INET Working Paper
No. 2023-27 - Why net worth is the wrong concept for explaining consumption: evidence from Italy
John Muellbauer, Riccardo De Bonis, Danilo Liberati, Concetta Rondinelli
Nov 2023
The Temporal Dimension of Parental Employment: Fixed-term Contracts, Non-standard Work Schedules and Children’s Education in Germany
in European Sociological Review
Bastian A. Betthäuser, Nhat An Trinh, Anette Eva Fasang
Nov 2023
The unequal effects of the health–economy trade-off during the COVID-19 pandemic
in Nature Human Behaviour
Marco Pangallo, Alberto Aleta, R. Maria del Rio-Chanona, Anton Pichler, David Martin-Corral, Matteo Chinazzi, François Lafond, Marco Ajelli, Esteban Moro, Yamir Moreno, Alessandro Vespignani, J. Doyne Farmer
Nov 2023
Inequality of opportunity in educational achievement in Western Europe: contributors and channels
in The Journal of Economic Inequality
Gustavo A. Marrero, Juan C. Palomino, Gabriela Sicilia
Oct 2023
Why we need a green land value tax and how to design it
John Muellbauer
Sept 2023
Universal job guarantee boosts wellbeing and eliminates long-term unemployment
Lukas Lehner, Maximilian Kasy, Jessica Kaplan
Jul 2023
INET Working Paper
No. 2023-12 - Why we need a green land value tax and how to design it
John Muellbauer
Jun 2023
Working Paper
Wealth inequality in Latin America
Rafael Carranza, Mauricio De Rosa, Ignacio Flores