
Luke studied Geophysics for his undergraduate degree at the University of Leeds, which included a year abroad studying at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. His final year project concentrated upon variability of the Geomagnetic field. Following this he completed a PhD at University of Leeds where he conducted research in to sea-level change in the circum-Caribbean region. Luke was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Climate Econometrics group and is now Assistant Professor at Durham University.

Recent Publications

Dec 2020
Global mean thermosteric sea level projections by 2100 in CMIP6 climate models
in Environmental Research Letters
Svetlana Jevrejeva ,  Hindumathi Palanisamy ,  Luke Jackson
Dec 2020
Climate change and Emerging Markets after Covid-19
François Cohen ,  Matthew Ives ,  Sugandha Srivastav ,  Moritz Schwarz ,  Paolo De Souza ,  Yangsiyu Lu ,  Penny Mealy ,  Cameron Hepburn ,  Luke Jackson
Oct 2020
How urbanization enhanced exposure to climate risks in the Pacific: A case study in the Republic of Palau
in Environmental Research Letters
David Mason ,  Akiko Iida ,  Satoshi Watanabe ,  Makoto Yokohari ,  Luke Jackson
Aug 2020
Comparing urban coastal flood risk in 136 cities under two alternative sea-level projections: RCP 8.5 and an expert opinion-based high-end scenario
in Ocean & Coastal Management
Luis M. Abadie ,  Elisa Sainz de Murietaa ,  Svetlana Jevrejeva ,  Ibon Galarraga ,  Luke Jackson
Apr 2019
Climate Change, Flooding and Mental Health
Caroline Anitha Devadason ,  Luke Jackson
Apr 2019
Pacific Island Countries: An Early Warning of Climate Change Impacts
Caroline Anitha Devadason ,  Jennifer Cole ,  Luke Jackson
Jan 2019
Coastal Sea level rise around the China Seas
in Global and Planetary Change
Ying Qu ,  Svetlana Jevrejeva ,  John C. Moore ,  Luke Jackson
Jul 2018
Flood damage costs under the sea level rise with warming of 1.5°C and 2 °C
in Environmental Research Letters
Svetlana Jevrejeva ,  Aslak Grinsted ,  Daniel Linke ,  Ben Marzeion ,  Luke Jackson
Jun 2018
Global probabilistic projections of extreme sea levels show intensification of coastal flood hazard
in Nature Communications
Svetlana Jevrejeva ,  Michalis I. Vousdoukas ,  Lorenzo Mentaschi ,  Evangelos Voukouvalas ,  Martin Verlaan ,  Luc Feyen ,  Luke Jackson
Jan 2018
21st century sea-level rise in line with the Paris Accord
in Earth's Future
Aslak Grinsted ,  Svetlana Jevrejeva ,  Luke Jackson
Nov 2016
Coastal sea level rise with warming below 2°C
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Svetlana Jevrejeva ,  Aslak Grinsted ,  Riccardo E. M. Riva ,  John C. Moore ,  Luke Jackson
Nov 2016
Coastal sea level rise with warming above 2 °C
Svetlana Jevrejeva ,  Riccardo E.M. Riva ,  Aslak Grinsted ,  John C. Moore ,  Luke Jackson
Nov 2016
Relative sea-level data from southwest Scotland constrain meltwater-driven sea-level jumps prior to the 8.2 kyr BP event
in Quaternary Science Reviews
Thomas Lawrence ,  Antony J. Long ,  W. Roland Gehrels ,  David E. Smith ,  Luke Jackson
Oct 2016

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