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This seminar will be conducted through Zoom. Please register to join this seminar. You will then receive an email with the dial in details. Please check your spam/junk folders.


The meeting is set up so that you will join muted and without video. You will be held in a virtual waiting room until the speaker is ready to start. There will be time at the end for a Q&A session. Please use the 'raise your hand' function and the presenter will unmute you. A video on how to do this is here.

With the speakers permission, we will be recording the presentation portion of this talk. The Q&A will not be recorded and any Chat will not be saved. We will make these talks available upon request via a password protected/time sensitive link. To request a copy of the recording please email

We study incentives to increase innovation in climate change adaptation technologies (CCATs). Many CCATs, such as sea walls, exhibit public good characteristics, since they are non-rival and non-excludable. Innovation in public goods suffers from twin market failures: imperfect appropriability which is common to all innovation, and more specifically, free-riding, which dampens private incentives to undertake public goods projects (Mandel 2015). Till date, there is no systematic evidence on the extent to this “twin externality” has impacted the development of CCATs. Using global patent data, we examine who develops different types of CCATs. Our hypothesis is that for CCATs with strong public good characteristics, technological development is mainly undertaken by public entities such as universities or publicly funded research labs; while for CCATs that resemble private goods (e.g. irrigation systems), there is more private sector participation. Thereafter, using patent citation data, we map the technological knowledge base of CCATs. We assess what scientific disciplines underpin CCATs and whether these fields are relatively “under-funded”. Our analysis elucidates the extent to which markets for CCATs are incomplete due to the twin externalities, and whether more government support is required.