Dr Janine Aron

Senior Research Fellow

Member, Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Department of Economics, University of Oxford Associate and Member, Nuffield College, Oxford

Janine Aron


Dr Janine Aron's research focus is monetary and exchange rate policy and macroeconomics, mainly but not only in the African context. She held a Research Fellowship at the South Africa Reserve Bank (SARB) in 2018 and was invited to submit a critical review of the SARB’s biannual Financial Stability Review. She is currently assisting the SARB to develop tools and communication strategies for their new financial stability mandate and producing papers on communication and financial stability and the housing market and financial stability (with Greg Farrell (SARB) and John Muellbauer). Ongoing work on South Africa includes estimating exchange rate pass-through to the aggregate CPI (building on past work, see Special Section), exploring the predictability of monetary policy using forward interest rates and linking this with central bank policy transparency and communication, and the econometric modelling of disaggregated capital flows (with Greg Farrell (SARB) and John Muellbauer).

A recent publication in 2018 was a critical survey of the empirical literature on the economic impact of mobile money, in the World Bank Research Observer, originally funded by The Gates Foundation. Mobile money is a recent innovation that provides financial transaction services via mobile phone, including to the unbanked poor, and has become crucial in improving global financial inclusion. She has also written an Oxford Martin School Policy Paper on the economics of mobile money and harnessing the transformative power of technology to benefit the global poor.

Ongoing work on inflation modeling with John Muellbauer includes estimating both aggregate and novel disaggregated models for forecasting inflation in the USA. In recent years they have modelled UK housing arrears and repossessions, producing several commissioned reports for the UK Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) as well academic papers.



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