
Susanna is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for New Economic Thinking and the Oxford Martin School who leads research on the complex dynamics between financial systems and the real economy. Using empirical analysis, structural stress-testing, and supply-chain modeling tools, she addresses critical challenges such as the impact of climate transition and physical risks on financial stability, the relationship between financial stability and inequality, the effectiveness and coherence of micro- and macro-prudential standards in facing new challenges such as climate change, and the ongoing transformation of the financial sector's ecosystem.

Susanna holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Toulouse and was awarded a prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship at the University of Zurich. Her policy-relevant research spans financial stability, climate risks, prudential policy reforms, money market functioning, benchmark interest rates, sovereign debt risk, and central banks' supervisory and monetary interventions.

Recent Publications

Jan 2024
Jul 2023
Working Paper
EURAXI: A Benchmark for Euro Credit Spreads
Susanna Saroyan ,  Rama Cont